
logbook about KKP

----------------- KKP Ultra distance --------------------
  1. 50K-----------12往復--約52.8K
  2. 50M-----------19往復--約83.6K≒約52M
  3. 100K----------23往復--約101.2K
  4. 100M----------37往復--約162.8K≒約102M
  5. 150K----------35往復--約154K
  6. 150M----------55往復--約242K≒約151M
  7. 200K----------46往復--約202.4K
  8. 200M----------really go craziness

----------------------- Vertical thinking -------------------
                      ( I mean this is not strict statistics.)
  • High Point---187m--614ft--sunset trailhead
  • Low  Point---78m---256ft--north trailhead northside
  • total U&D----about 209m--686ft each for 1 round trip.
  1. 50K-------2508m----8288ft
  2. 50M-------3971m----13030ft
  3. 100K------4807m----15770ft
  4. 100M------7733m----25370ft
  5. 150K------7315m----24000ft
  6. 150M------11495m---37710ft
  7. 200K------9614m----31540ft
  8. 200M------go to heaven.
IF you want to go for 10000m up&down,
you go for 48 round trip...apprximately 10032m.